Four Steps in Controlling Your Dog’s Athritis


Dog arthritis is a debilitating condition that refers to the gradual degeneration of the joints. The disease attacks the cartilage in the joints and will result in the growth of bone spurs and scar tissue. These make the joint stiffer and are the source of chronic pain and inflammation. When dog arthritis is in its most advanced stage, “bone to bone” contact occurs. This means so much cartilage has been lost that the bones are exposed. Without the joint cartilage’s cushioning, the arthritic dog is rendered immobile as simple acts of standing up or sitting becomes too difficult and painful...

Exclusive Collars Designed for Bitch New York!


Our clients are the luckiest dog owners in the world! We are always working to bring the very newest and most luxurious products to our catalog for our loyal customers. This is no exception. We have the honor of a gorgeous new line of hand made genuine leather and Swarovski crystal dog collars that cannot be found anywhere else in the world because they were designed EXCLUSIVELY for Bitch New York and YOU!  

Outdoor Pest Protection is just a mist away!


Outdoor pests can cause a variety of dangerous illnesses and problems for dogs, making protection a vital part of a dog’s care. Buzz Guard is an all-natural mist created with safe and healthy essentials oils and neem seed oil to repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, flies, and no-see-ums while helping protect dogs for up to five hours. Buzz Guard is a proven, natural and effective alternative to chemical spot-on treatments.Buzz Guard has been favorably field-tested as an all-natural alternative to commercial pesticide-based treatments by a variety of dog lovers and professionals.One test subject lives on property that borders a nature preserve...

Managing Dog Arthritis Pain and Inflammation


There is no cure for dog arthritis. Nevertheless, there are many ways to prevent the disease to progress to a stage where your dog’s mobility is severely compromised. An effective treatment plan must, therefore, stop further cartilage loss, protect and support chondrocytes (the cells in the cartilage matrix), reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. The effective management of pain and inflammation is the core of any treatment plan and must be prioritized especially if the disease is in its moderate to advanced stage.Alleviating pain and inflammation caused by dog arthritis can be done by using prescription medicines. Although there are supplements...

Saving Your Best Friends with Fire Evacuation Planning for Pet Owners - Pet Safety Plan


Fire safety awareness is often drummed into school children. Adults are encouraged to develop evacuation plans for their household. However, one quandary receives little attention: what about a family's pets? Animals add unforeseen complications to any emergency situation and require a little more forethought. Pets do not come in one size. Some are big, some are small, some can be carried with little difficulty, some require quite a bit more wrangling to get outside. Knowing your family's specialized circumstances before a dangerous situation occurs can save lives.Size MattersSmall and/or light animals (reptiles, kittens, rodents, and small dogs) are easy to...

4 Easy Ways Your Dog Can Help You Make New Friends


Dog ownership provides opportunities to meet new people at every proverbial turn. Going to a dog park, participating in pet events, attending training classes and having a beverage at a pet-friendly coffee shop are all activities that will enable you to meet individuals you might not have encountered without your pet. Whether you are extroverted or introverted, outgoing or shy, people of all ages will gravitate to you if for no reason other than to play with your furry friend. Visiting a dog park will not only give your dog a chance to interact with other playful canines, but it will...

Bitch New York Partners with Rescue Chocolate and Canine Celebration!


When Erika Friedman of Canine Celebration asked me to participate with them and Rescue Chocolate to raise money for charities that help rescue animals, I jumped at the chance. We've created a whole new section of the website called Chocolate For Charity. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of Rescue Chocolate will be donated to a variety of rescue groups. For a full list, you can visit the Rescue Chocolate website. Let's all eat chocolate!! It's the sweetest way to save a life!

How to Help Dogs with Anxiety in Stressful Situations


As dog lovers all over the country have experienced; thunderstorms, fireworks, travel, moving, grooming and other stressful events can be devastating for dogs. Dog lovers are finding their dogs whimpering, cowering, drooling, barking and shaking uncontrollably at the first sign of these types of events. The anecdotes and testimonials from customers who have been utilizing Canine Calm have shown that the product is proving helpful to dogs who present anxiety associated with these types of stressful situations. Canine Calm, an all-natural, safe and healthy mist formulated with pure essential oils, including bergamot and lavender, was specially created to help relax dogs during...

Happy Pets and Healthy Well-Rested Owners


Dogs and cats are pack animals who crave their owner’s attention and proximity. As a beloved member of your family, your pets are less anxious, and much more at ease, in a familiar space of their own. According to Dr. R.J. Peters, pets’ territorial needs are fulfilled when they have a designated sleep space that is close to their owners. Some people are concerned about the potential for the spread of disease when sharing their bed with the family mascot. There are a handful of diseases that are considered zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted to humans from animals. A...

How To Prepare For Your New Arrival - Bringing Home a New Puppy


Bringing a new furry companion into your family is a big decision. If it is a young puppy, there are lots of things to consider. Some questions to ask yourself are "Where will the puppy stay during the workweek?", and "Where will the puppy sleep at night?". You need to be able to provide a safe, secure environment for whomever you choose to bring home. Will you crate train or should you purchase a pen to keep them out of harm's way while out of your sight.One of the first things to consider, once your little one is old enough...

Stylish and Beneficial: Doggy Fashion


Image courtesy of exfordyOften seen as an extension of the owner’s fashion sense, doggy fashion can be seen by outsiders as a mere imposition on the dog’s natural state of undress. While we won’t argue that we just love to dress our dogs in cute designer wear, owners should feel reassured that it doesn’t always have to be about doggy fashion and that some canine clothing can actually benefit our companions’ health. The healthier your dog is, the more money you can save on your dog insurance and spend on some stylish accessories!Just like humans, our dogs can suffer from...

Bitch New York Exclusive Gemstone Dog Collars


I love gemstones! They have healing properties as well as looking really pretty! Check out some of the amazing gemstone dog collar charms we have on Bitch New York called Pawmulets! Happy healing!