Is vegan dog food healthy? We look at the pros and cons

The switch to veganism is a healthy, humane choice. A plant-based diet lowers the risks of obesity, heart disease, and other such ailments. Aside from health motivations, many are switching to vegan diets for ethical reasons. For example, to reduce animal suffering. As another example, to curb the environmental effects of meat production.

BitchNewYork caters to people who love their pets and want to give them the best. Love for animals often translates into a love for the planet.

If vegan diets are so beneficial for humans, does it work the same for dogs? Is vegan dog food healthy? This article looks at the pros and cons of switching to a vegan dog food diet.


Difference between plant based and vegan diets

A plant-based diet involves eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Typically, these diets also restrict the consumption of animal products and processed foods. On a plant-based diet, some people don’t eat any animal products, while others eat a limited amount.

On the other hand, the point of a vegan diet is to avoid animal exploitation completely. For example, wines are traditionally filtered using animal products (such as fish bladder proteins). Because animals are involved, traditionally made wine is off-limits for vegans.

In summary, a plant-based diet restricts the consumption of meat. A vegan diet eliminates all animal products.

That doesn't mean vegan diets are healthier. For example, people could subsist on chips and soda and still qualify as vegan.

Why people go vegan

Why do people turn vegan?

Typical western diets are high in saturated fats, salt, and sugar, while low in fiber. This diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. For example, in China, growing affluence has led to a shift from a plant-based diet to one high in animal products. The result has been a noticeable spike in chronic diseases among Chinese.

Meat consumption is also an issue for animals. In 2010, 66 billion animals were slaughtered for food. Most of these animals were reared on factory farms in artificial systems using invasive husbandry procedures. Such practices are at the core of animal welfare concerns and the rise of veganism.

This doesn’t even take into account the environmental impacts of animal agriculture. Climate change is perhaps the biggest environmental issue of our time. Factory farms are a massive contributor to global warming.

Thus came the rise of veganism. A 2010 study estimated that there were 1.5 billion vegetarians globally. 75 million were vegetarians by choice, while the rest were vegetarian by necessity.

Can dogs go vegan?

Vegan dog eating grass

People who switch to a vegan or plant-based diet might do so for health, or to support the environment. So are plant-based or vegan diets good for dogs? Technically, dogs can transform certain amino acids into the nutrients they need.

This ability came through evolution. Dogs belong to the order of Carnivora. Their ancestors throughout history subsisted mainly on prey animals. Thus they evolved to facilitate the capture, consumption, and digestion of animal flesh. Part of this evolution included tooth crowns for cutting into flesh (rather than grinding plant matter like herbivores).

However, around 33,000 years ago, dogs were domesticated from wolves. Then, they became dependent on humans for food scraps. They adapted to a more varied diet that included plant-based foods.

That’s why, when compared to carnivorous wolves, domestic dogs are able to metabolize carbohydrates and subsist on lower protein diets.

This explains how and why vegan diets are technically fine for dogs. However, it’s important to provide diets that are palatable, bioavailable and nutritionally complete.

What do vegans feed their dogs?

“You feed your dog meat; that’s not vegan!” Sound familiar? Whether this is your own internal dialogue or an all-too-familiar comeback when discussing your lifestyle with others, it’s a common problem vegan dog lovers face.

Vegans, by definition, strive to eliminate the use of animal products in every aspect of their lives, but our dogs rely on us for everything. So what should we vegans feed the dogs and other animal companions in our care?

As it turns out, dogs are not strict carnivores, and in fact, many scientists agree that they would be more accurately classified as omnivores. Regardless of the science, testimonies abound discussing the ethical and nutritional benefit of a vegan diet for your dog. They can and do thrive on a properly-developed vegan regimen, but the question remains; how do vegans feed their dogs? One of the ways vegans do this is by feeding their dogs a ready-made vegan dog food. It’s also possible to prepare a whole foods vegetable diet for them that includes all the veggies dogs love like carrots, lentils, and rice.

Can vegans feed their puppies vegan puppy food?

Wondering how you can possibly find vegan dog food for puppies? Puppies begin to eat solid  or semi-solid foods at around five to six weeks old. If you already have a vegan or vegetarian dog food brand that you like, turning it into puppy food is easy. Just soak the kibble in some warm water and puree if necessary. Incorporating small amounts of healthy fats like coconut or flax oil can help smooth out the mixture and create a puppy-approved texture. Be sure to talk to your vet about adding necessary supplements to your puppy’s diet.

Problems with vegan dog food diets

While vegan dog foods are technically fine for dogs, it also depends on the nutritional suitability of those foods. A study by Kanakubo et al. (2015) raised important questions about the nutritional viability of vegan dog food diets.

The researchers looked at 24 vegetarian diets for dogs and cats sold in America. The crude protein and amino acid concentrations were compared with AAFCO Nutrient Profiles. All but one of the tested foods met minimum crude protein concentrations. However, six of the 24 diets failed to meet the minimum amino acid standards.

A follow-up study by Knight and Leitsberger (2016) contacted all companies by email, asking them to supply evidence of their nutritional claims. Five companies did not respond. None could provide independent lab verification about the nutritional value of their products.

One company (Wysong) actually admitted their product was not nutritionally complete. “Wysong does not advocate the singular feeding of VeganTM to carnivores such as dogs. … It is designed for intermittent feeding or as a base to add different meats for sensitivities and allergies”.

They added that the concept of a single, nutritionally complete diet was impossible. Rather, they encouraged pet owners to rotate dog foods to ensure a nutritionally sound diet.

Benefits and risks of raw dog food diets

Raw dog food diet

At the other end of the vegan dog food extreme is the raw dog food diet. The main components in this diet include raw meat, bones, fruit, vegetables, raw eggs, and some dairy.

Raw diets have been fed to racing greyhounds and huskies for years. The idea entered the mainstream in 1993 when Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst introduced the BARF diet: Bones and Raw Food.

The concept behind this diet is that dogs will thrive on a similar diet to what their ancestors ate before they became domesticated.

Potential benefits of raw dog food diets include cleaner teeth, shinier coats, and increased energy levels. The main risk is that raw dog meat contains potentially harmful pathogens that can harm both dogs and humans. A 2006 study tested 20 commercially available raw meat diets and found that 7.1% contained salmonella.

Interestingly, just as vegan dog foods need supplements to provide balanced nutrition, so do raw meat diets. These FDA guidelines suggest that manufacturers must address the nutritional deficiencies in raw meat diets. Specifically, these diets lack the calcium and phosphorous that dogs need.

Benefits of meat-based diets for dogs

Dogs eating meat-based kibble

The previous sections show the pros and cons of both vegan and raw dog food diets. Both provide benefits and drawbacks.

In the case of vegan dog food, dogs are not true omnivores. They can get nutrients from plants. However, their livers have a limited ability to metabolize plant compounds. This means that they can technically adapt to vegan diets - as long as those diets are supplemented with the nutrients they would normally get from meat.

Further, dogs need amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in different amounts than humans. Providing these from a plant-based diet can be complicated and time-consuming.

Regarding preferences, a study was done on street dogs in India. It found that dogs clearly prefer the taste and smell of meat-based foods. However, newly weaned puppies have no such bias. Rather, they learn to prefer meat-based foods based on the food choices of their mother.

In other words, if raised on vegan foods from a young age, puppies should have no problems adapting. However, if attempting to convert an older dog, they might resist.

Then again, there is no denying that dogs are optimized for eating meat. For example, cows have broad, flat teeth that are ideal for grinding down plant matter. Conversely, dogs have narrow pointy teeth that are ideal for cutting into meat.

In sum, meat-based diets are closest to a dog's natural ancestral diets. However, modern meat-based pet foods often have less protein and fat and more carbohydrates. Thus, even when feeding name-brand meat-based kibble, extra supplementation is the safest course of action.

Health of Vegetarian Companion Animals

How can we assess the nutritional adequacy of vegan dog food brands? The best method of doing so is feeding trials.

These monitor the health of animals fed exclusively on test diets, over an extended period. While definitive studies don’t yet exist, several examples exist online by pet owners, such as this one. These studies suggest that both dogs and cats can thrive on nutritionally-balanced vegetarian diets. Noted benefits include:

  • Less parasites (fleas, ticks, mites)
  • Diminished food intolerance reactions
  • Improved skin and coat
  • Reduced obesity
  • Improved vitality

However, these are anecdotal reports. From a scientific perspective, they are useful mainly as a basis for future research efforts. To achieve scientific standards of proof, randomized controlled trials are required. Then, a systematic review of multiple trials would provide the most reliable evidence.

One problem with this is that raising dogs on test diets in a lab setting for an extended time can raise ethical concerns. This is the main reason why such studies are lacking, even though they could provide the highest standards of scientific evidence on this topic.

That said, the number of informal feeding trials is increasing around the world as people test vegan dog food diets. For example, a study by Brown et al. (2009) was conducted on racing Siberian Huskies, companion animals placed under severe physical demands. During races, these dogs haul heavy sleds through the snow at high speed for 30 miles.

In the study, the researchers worked with 12 dogs. Six were fed commercial dog food, while the rest were fed a meat-free food. The commercial food contained 43% poultry meal, replaced by maize gluten and soybean meal in the vegetarian diet. The dogs were fed for 16 weeks, during which time they competed in 10 weeks of races.

Blood samples were collected throughout the study along with veterinary health checks. All dogs in both test groups were assessed to be in excellent physical condition.

What to Look for in a Vegan Dog Food

When shopping for vegan dog food, here are some things you should look out for:

  • High amounts of plant protein: vegan puppy food should have at least 22% protein, while the minimum for adult dog food is 18%. The best sources of plant protein are peas and legumes. 
  • Balanced omega fatty acids: for healthy skin and coat, dogs need both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in their diet. Make sure your selected vegan dog food contains a blend of both. 
  • Nutritional balance: to ensure balance, most commercial vegan dog food include vitamin and mineral supplements.

Safeguarding the Health of your Pets

Vegan dog food diets can help reduce the hazards caused by meat-based diets. However, unless they are balanced and nutritionally complete, there is the risk of malnutrition.

To get started, it’s a good idea to slowly transition to a vegetarian diet. Making an abrupt change can cause digestive issues. Thus, get started by mixing around 10% vegetarian food to your dog’s diet. Increase by another 10% every 2-3 days.

Also, it’s a good idea to take your dog for a vet checkup a few weeks after making the transition. Ask for a urinalysis. Dogs that switch to vegan diets are at risk of developing bladder stones.

Most vulnerable to stones are purebred miniature schnauzers, Shih Tzus, miniature poodles and cocker spaniels. Even if bladder stones aren’t found, the urinalysis could also show that your dog’s urine pH level is out of balance. If that happens, your veterinarian can prescribe supplements to bring the pH back into a healthy range.

In addition to the above steps, dog owners should also reach out to pet food companies to ask for evidence about the nutritional viability of their products. If enough consumers did so, it would pressure companies to beef up their quality control standards. This could increase consumer confidence and also boost the quality of companion animal diets.

In the current landscape, definitive proof in the viability of vegan dog food is debatable. Thus, pet owners should consider providing their dogs a varied diet, by combining brands or switching to different brands every few months.

Gradual changes are key. This allows enough time for digestive enzymes to adapt, which can minimize adverse reactions like flatulence and diarrhea.

Vegan dog food FAQs

Vegan dog food

Below are some of the most common questions people have about vegan dog food diets.

Why should I switch my dog to a vegan diet?

First, there is the ethical motivation. Veganism reduces the need for animals to be bred, confined and slaughtered for their meat. With less demand for meat comes a reduction in the need for land, water, and other resources.

Second there are medical benefits. Many studies show that veganism helps to reverse the spread of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health issues.

Can dogs live without meat?

Dogs need more protein than humans, which is hard to sustain without meat. Dogs also require essential fatty acids that are abundant in meat proteins. On vegan diets, you need to provide these as supplements if meat is removed from the diet. The right balance of different plant-based sources of protein (e.g., beans, corn, soy, and whole grains) can still provide the needed amino acids.

Dogs suffering malnourishment from a meat-free diet will become lethargic and increasingly disinterested in food.

If you want to try a vegetarian diet but are worried about the risks, consider going meat-free while adding eggs. Eggs have the greatest biological value (ability to supply essential amino acids) of all protein sources typically used in dog food.

Will dogs accept meat-free foods?

At first, your dog may be hesitant. The way around this is to gradually add increasing portions of vegan food into your dog’s normal diet. Start by adding 10% vegan food, monitor your pet, then continue adding 10% increments until your dog gets used to the change.

Do vegan diets help dogs with allergies?

The most common food allergens for dogs include chicken, beef, pork, wheat, corn, and dairy products. If your dog is allergic to an animal protein, you can try switching to a different animal protein like venison. If problems persist, switching to a vegan diet is a sound choice.

What do veterinarians think about vegan dog food?


Dr. Lorelei Wakefield

Dr. Lorelei Wakefield VMD 

Dr. Lorelei Wakefield notes that dogs in India have been vegetarian for hundreds of years without suffering systemic illnesses. Conversely, modern dogs fed on commercial, meat-based diets often suffer from obesity and food allergies. These issues can be remedied by switching to a vegan diet.

Dr. Jena Questen, DVM CertAqV

Dr. Jena Questen, DVM CertAqV

Dogs are not wolves, they stopped being wolves a long time ago. This is something that dog food company's wish you didn't realize. The pet dog’s natural diet is actually what we eat. There is plenty of protein in a plant-based diet. There is protein in romaine lettuce, beans, lentils, quinoa, almost every single plant we eat has some amount of protein. And our kidneys don't need to be processing huge amounts of protein, anyway. For some dogs with a certain high metabolism, or that do a tremendous amount of work burning calories (like hunting dogs), they might need to have their weight monitored closely on a plant based diet. However, in my experience, most dogs thrive on a plant based diet.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn

Dr. Richard Pitcairn DVM Phd 

According to Dr. Richard Pitcairn, standard dog diets are packed with animal products which contain high levels of toxins. This causes a host of chronic issues. However, when switched to a nutritionally balanced plant-based diet, many drastically improve.

Dr. Andrew Knight
Dr. Andrew Knight has found that the benefits of Vegan diets is if they are formulated to be nutritionally sound, then the animal is going to get all the nutrition it needs, without being exposed to all the potentially harmful additives.

Dr armaiti may

Armaiti May, DVM, CVA 

Dogs are omnivores and can thrive on a nutritionally complete plant-based diet. They have nutrient requirements, not ingredient requirements, so those requirements can be met from plant, mineral and synthetic sources.

A study conducted in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2009 showed that a carefully balanced meat-free diet can maintain normal hematological (blood) values in sprint-racing sled dogs. [An experimental meat-free diet maintained haemotological characteristics in sprint-racing sled dogs. Brown, WY, Vanselow BA, Redman AJ, Pluske JR. Br J Nutr, 2009 Nov, 102(9):1318-23.]

Plant-based diets carry many benefits for dogs suffering from allergies to meat protein, particularly beef and chicken. In my fourteen years of practice, I have seen many dog patients of mine improve coat health and overall vitality on vegan diets.


Dr. Ernie Ward

Dr. Ernie Ward, Chief Veterinary Officer, Wild Earth

Modern dogs, whose DNA began to diverge from their wolf ancestors about 40,000 years ago, can survive and thrive off of a plant-based diet.

As omnivores, there are plenty of plant and fungi-based sources that provide all of the proteins, nutrients and amino acids that dogs require to live a healthy life.

So absolutely yes, a plant-based diet for dogs can 100% be healthy, as long as the nutrients are clean and purposeful. Another point to note, that most people do not think about, is that meat is a source of fat, so heavy meat-based diets also often contribute to canine obesity. 




What Do Dog Food Companies think about Vegan Dog Food?




It takes a lot of nutritional knowledge to compose your own vegan dog meal.

Meat-based ingredients like beef, chicken and even fish are usually the ingredients that make kibble expensive. Vegan dog food only contains plant-based ingredients and is therefore often cheaper than meat-based kibble.

We recommend against a vegetarian/vegan diet for pups (up to one year). Pups are growing fast and need (animal-based) proteins to maintain their growth.

Vegan dog food does not offer this category of young dogs enough building blocks. The pup will be fully grown after a year, which is when you can start making a gradual transition to vegetarian/vegan food.

The difference between animal-based proteins and plant-based proteins is that plant-based proteins result in more waste leaving the body again. This means that a vegan meal may cause a dog to poo more than a meat-based meal.


Pet Farm Family 

Whether people feed their dogs animal or plant-based diet is entirely up to them, as long as the dog thrives. However, we know that there are mountains of leftover meat and meat byproducts which can only be utilized as food for companion animals.


Einstein Pets 

Einstein Pets original vegetarian formula functional treats are highly nutritious and delicious in every bite- treating with a purpose! These are treats that can do your dog some good, like support dental and coat health, digestion, and improve joint function. We took whole-food raw ingredients and added plant-based Chia Seed (Omega 3 & fatty acids) to every batch (Prebiotics) and ground Whole Grain Oat to support healthy digestion, the result is a great natural way to supplement, while you’re giving treats.


Entoma Pet Food 

Insects are produced with far less ressources than traditional protein source we know today.

Production of insect use 17x less water than beef, emits 100x less co2 than beef and uses only a fraction of the land areal to produced the same amount of protein.

All products are made with carefully selected natural ingredients combined with high quality protein from Insects, makes a nutritional balanced diet for you pets without leaving a huge pawprint on the climate.

Health, sustainability and ethics are some of the areas to take in coinsideration when choosing your pets food. Domesticated cows are causing mass environmental damage as well as damage to the health of people.



Dog at vet getting checkup

Some pet owners transition to vegan dog food to support their pet's health. Others do so to help the environment. That's because cutting meat consumption reduces pollution while reducing animal suffering.

As this article explains, pet owners should proceed with caution with whatever type of dog food they choose. Many studies have raised issues with vegan, raw, and traditional dog food diets.

No matter what feeding choice you decide, make sure to check labeling claims. It's also a good idea to contact manufacturers to verify their claims.

Once you decide on a feeding routine, monitor your pet. Pay attention to their body weight, demeanor, and energy levels.

Finally, six months after switching to a new diet, schedule a vet examination. If your dog gets a clean bill of health, stick to your feeding plan. If there are issues, adjust as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions about Vegan Dog Food Diets

1. Is vegan dog food safe?

Yes, vegan and plant-based dog food is safe for dogs. Switching to a plant-based diet is not only an ethical choice, but it is a healthy one for both humans and many animals. Contrary to what many people may believe, a plant-based diet does not pose nutritional problems if done properly, and a variety of healthy, unprocessed, plant-based foods are included. In fact, an animal meat-free diet can reduce one’s risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, and even reverse many of these illnesses. Both humans and non-human animals survive and thrive on a vegan or plant-based diet.

2. Do vegan dogs live longer?

A meat-free, plant-based diet can be very healthy for dogs. For example, many natural and plant-based ingredients can help reduce inflammation and risk of disease and therefore, are very ideal for senior dogs. Switching to a balanced diet consisting only of plant-derived ingredients can help them live to their full life expectancy.

3. Can dogs survive without meat?

Dogs can live and thrive on a meat-free diet. Protein, calcium, fiber, and all the other essential nutrients can be obtained from plant-based sources. On the other hand, cats are obligate carnivores as they require the amino acid taurine, which is only found in animal flesh.

4. Do dogs need meat in their diets?

Dogs do not need meat in their diets in order to meet all of their nutritional requirements. Like humans, dogs can still obtain every essential nutrient from plant-based sources, like all nutrients, including protein, originally come from plants in varying amounts.

5. What is the best vegan dog food?

There are many brands of vegan and plant-based dog food. In order to select the best one, do some research on the various brands, and read the ingredients to make sure all components of the food are healthy and from a good source.

6. Why raw diet is bad for dogs?

If a canine is fed primarily raw meat, they could be at risk for several nutrient deficiencies, such as calcium, phosphorous, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These healthful compounds are all primarily found in plant-based sources, so feeding a canine plant foods instead would be much healthier for them.

7. Is raw dog food really better?

There are several reasons why raw dog food is not better. Potentially harmful and dangerous health risks come along with eating raw meat, even for dogs. In the wild, dogs would never eat animals such as cows, fish, or drink cow’s milk, therefore this is not their natural diet. There are also negative effects on the environment, as animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of environmental degradation and climate change.

8. Is raw feeding safe for dogs?

As an animal’s fatty tissue can contain high amounts of toxins, and the species at the top of the food chain eat the highest amounts of these, feeding raw meat to canines could be unsafe. The World Health Organization has classified red meat and processed meats as probably carcinogenic to humans, and they should therefore not be fed to canines either.


9. Can a dog get sick from eating raw meat?

Feeding raw meat to a dog can be dangerous. As raw meat hasn't been cooked to remove bacteria that potentially exist, salmonella, campylobacter, and e.coli can be present. Just like in humans, these bad bacterias can be harmful to health. Pathogens and parasites could also potentially be present in raw meat.

10. Is it safe for dogs to eat vegan?

Yes, dogs can survive and thrive on a plant-based diet, just like humans. This is due to the extensive nutritional profile found in plant foods, including antioxidants and phytochemicals that promote health and fight disease. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's oldest living dog ate a vegan diet.


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Reviews (15 comments)

  • Audrey Walker On

    My dog has been vegan for 4 years and is doing great. She had mast cell tumors before going vegan and has not had any new growths since making the diet change and starting a Chinese herbal formula. She is very health and energetic.

  • Emma On

    My extra large Bulgarian street dog rescue has been on vegan (plant based) food for several years and is absolutely thriving.

  • Kris On

    At first thought it seems crazy that a dog can be vegan but then you look at the science and deeply think about it and sure, why not! Of course a dog can get all its nutrients from a plant based diet

    Vegan dog food! I’m all for it :)

  • Nikki Medwelll On

    My two large dogs have been vegan for 10 years. Our vet told us if everyone fed their dogs like we did, he’d be out of a job.

  • Cynthia King On

    My dog, a mid-sized brindle pit mix, was aging and showing signs of slowing down. He had put on a few pounds, had a bit of urinary incontinence and wasn’t feeling energetic. He had been eating one of the mainstream brands of dry dog food. I switched to vegan dog food (V-dog) and I still can’t believe the improvement. He dropped the extra weight, has no more “dripping”, his coat is healthy and beautiful and he is full of energy. He is now 17 years old. No one can believe it when I tell them as he doesn’t move like an old dog. I am so grateful that we switched to V-dog vegan dog food and that it changed his life!

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